Chatbot Features


Chatbots are simple, easy to use features that help you engage with your users and get more number of conversion rates of leads and sale. It’s interface allows you to create automated conversations with intent, questions, keyword listeners and a plethora of reply types and reasonable logics.

Here, we list down the key features of Chatbots:
• Easily installed with one script on your websites.
• Build simple or even complex conversational logic trees.
• Easily enagage with users at the right time and start a conversation using an array of triggers.
• Help get insights from user data.
• Build, test and launch your Chatbot for no money at all.

The Chatbot Editor has a variety of features integrated within to speed up the creation of a Chatbot:
• Real-time testing of intents provides immediate feedbacks.
• Create new intents and questions easily and duplicate other intents.
• To reduce maintenance time, site-wide variables are applied automatically.
Creating intents can be the most prolonged part of building a Chatbot. Our Chatbot’s interface simplifies the process to become hassle free:
• Global intents permit the conversation to go to a new subject using the natural language processing.
• Standard Intents are pre-defined and with built-in AI
• You can also add images and videos in the chatbot window itself.


How can Chatbot boost your conversions?

• Provides quick answers, reducing customer service calls and support tickets as well.
• Shoppers get ret ready solutions to find what they want quickly and efficiently on busy ecommerce sites, boosting the sales revenue by 15% to 35% while using chatbots.
• Easily gathers information to be able to generate well-qualified leads and detailed user insights.
• The users learn more about your products and services in an interactive conversational way.
• User experience becomes more interactive and less passive.
• Replicate your website chatbot on Facebook, build your messenger list, convert leads and drive the traffic back to your site.

For Ecommerce

Chatbot strives to engage your online shoppers and users, providing advice to help them find quick results in terms of what they are looking for. This further results in increased sales revenues. Chatbot works on all ecommerce sites like Shopify Chatbot, Woocomerce Chatbot, BigCommerce Chatbot.

Lead Generation

Chatbot initiates a conversation with your prospective customers, analyses and gathers their contact information and sends it to your sales team for further processing and targeting.

Surveys & Market Research

Chatbot asks questions to your visitors without letting them know that it’s a survey.

Chatbot Virtual Assistant

Chatbot efficiently provides quick answers to common support queries, so that your support staff can focus on answering more complex customer problems.
At Customer Maps we are committed to show up when customers search for your product & services. Understand your customers, map the modern journey and reach them first to WIN.
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